Friday, November 16, 2007

Yeah, even though the Beat is dead, some of us truly lived up to the "legends" thing. And the "sad," "depressed," "hilarious," "homoerotic," and "creepy" things.

All of which is remembered: Conquering campus; student streakers left mark on steps of Central Hall: Irregular, possibly unnatural hairgrowth; a thwarted Sigma Chi raid lands two streakers at college landmark

Gibbs takes the 'no pants party' to a new level

As someone said about something else: It was "not about hipsters looking for kicks, or about subversives and nonconformists, rebels without a cause who point the way for the radicals... not an anti-intellectual celebration of spontaneity or an artifact of literary primitivism. It's a sad and somewhat self-consciously lyrical story about loneliness, insecurity, and failure. It's also a story about guys who want to be with other guys."

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Here's the new Collegian web site, and you can see he redesigned pages here.