Friday, May 30, 2008

I live in a country where, 7 years ago, the government seized virtually every bank account in the country--denying people access to their money--and later returning (if one was so lucky) only a third of it. The government routinely denies the visible, palpable inflation and relentlessly increasing poverty rates. There is no abortion, except in back allies in "villas miserias"--shantytowns built using whatever people can slap together. These, my friends, are problems.

I do, however, know that a scarf is not a problem. What the fuck is this?


Daniel Silliman said...

It's good to know that even in the most third-world locale, even under the most devestating dictator, even when conditions have to rack up adjectives like a pinball score just to describe how horrible they truly are, Jon still reads Access Hollywood.

Otherwise, how would we even know it was him?

Jon said...

How would I even know who I was?

Chase said...

That scarf is nasty.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I actually know a couple of people with scarves like that...all of whom are Iraq or Afghan vets.

ROFL...oh well, I will just continue drinking my southern sweet tea from this darling can with the plantation scene on the front...


Daniel Silliman said...
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Unknown said...
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