I saw Broken Social Scene in Indianapolis last night and was struck by how much they rocked and how lead singer Kevin Drew looks like Evan.
Econ Schonert, Chase Purdy, Dave Frank, Dan Silliman, Harvy-Andrew Jones, Jon Gibbons, Lee Nunn, George-Michael Linzel-Cantrell, Nate Wazoo, Prosp3ct, Nathan Sato, Will Farnham, Phil Koerner, Bjorn Amundson, Seraphim Danckaert, Mr. Gugg, Jason T. Robey, JD Rowland, Vince Stempien, Nate Kaczmarek, Jeff Guy, Kevin Blaquiere, Adam Manthei, Tom Bentley, Dillon Greenwell, Mike Doherty, and the original Fr. Quinn Mann (and several others whose signatures on the picture wall are sadly illegible)