Monday, March 31, 2008

I just clicked "edit page" under the disambiguation page for "the beat" and added a quick line. It will probably be gone tomorrow. Maybe I'll assign it as homework or extra credit next semester. Ah the joys of having sla.. Students.


Daniel Silliman said...

I have no idea what you talk about, but I think "disambiguation" = "wikipedia"?

Anonymous said...

Good work, Harv.

JHitts said...

Just read Dave and Luke's old posts. The one about people not knowing who actually lived at the Beat. Last year everyone thought I did. Which brings me to asking if someone could add me here, since I am a Beat associate and probably spent more time at the Beat than anyone else who didn't live there. Not because I want to pretend I lived at the Beat or anything, necessarily, but just so I can make posts on here every once and a while that are pertinent to people/ things that I know.

Unknown said...

I have slaves...I mean students, too, Harvy. Mine are slightly off, though. They'd be bad it's illegal to make the mentally impaired my slaves, though it would be so easy...